Digital Onboarding

The “all in one” solution that offers the entire identity verification process for non face-to-face recruiting with «Low code» and without losing all the customization and parameterization capabilities.

It combines the capabilities of ID Verification, Liveness & Facial Biometrics, OTP Validation (optional) and Digital signature to integrate an identification gateway in your business recruitment processes.

  • Certified Process (Qualified Time Stamp)
  • Validates that it is done on the same device and in real time
  • Complete process recording

How does it work?

ID Verification

Captures, validates and extracts OCR data.

Liveness & Facial Biometry

Facial comparison and proof of life.

OTP-SMS validation

 Validation of the process performed.

Digital signature

Signature certification.

Evidence portal

Collect all the information of the registered data


≪All-in-one≫ ID Verification and Liveness & Facial Biometrics for complete onboarding

Solution similar to a payment gateway. Non-presential contracting through our “Low code” system, ready in a few minutes.

The best solution for ID document extraction and verification through OCR & AI.

It is performed using the device’s camera, either mobile or desktop. It allows to instantly extract and validate the document data providing .

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Combining presence detection (proof-of-life) algorithms to ensure that the person in front of the camera is real through active and passive testing.

We use methods to ensure that no use is made of videos or photos for impersonation and verify that it is the same person as the one on the ID document. 

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By sending a unique code via SMS to the user’s cell phone, it allows us to perform a two-factor authentication by checking the user’s phone number.

This verification is optional within the identification gateway, for processes that require its realization.

With this solution you will be able to finalize the identification process with the signature of the associated documents .

We have digital signature with different methods
  • Advanced Digital Signature (OTP-SMS)
  • Simple Signature (by means of Graph)
  • Biometric Signature (By means of graph with biometric support)
  • One-shot signature (By means of a personal certificate)


Exclusive platform for the personalization of your identification process

  • With / without evidence sealing
  • Evidence review
  • Webhooks
  • Redirections
  • Document types and countries
  • Own domain
  • Validations and consents
  • Operation
  • Background (color)
  • Buttons (color, border…)
  • Logo
  • Images and animations
  • Fonts (color)
  • Text modification
  • Translation (Multi language)


Backoffice tool that allows your agents to review all identification processes.

Change the layout of the screen to adjust them to the style of your product.

  • Display of a single video of the process
  • View screenshots of documents
  • Reading and editing of captured personal data
  • Viewing of proof of life results
  • Visualization of the process traceability
  • Grouping of processes (Finished/not finished)
  • Validation or Denial of the process and the reason for it
  • Download evidence time stamp
  • Role Management (Admin, Agent, Auditor)
  • Tool audit logs
  • Notification Webhooks to external systems (API)

One solution for various industries

ID Gateway is designed to work with a wide variety of use cases and industries.


Several sectors | Issuance of Certificates​

Certify processes endorsed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the National Cryptologic Center.

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Several sectors | Insurance sales​

Get the name, date of birth, address, phone and SSN of your new customers quickly and paperless.


Airports | Airport check-in services

Save time and avoid long queues at airports. Complete identity verification processes in just a few steps.


Several sectors | New phone registrations

Prevent fraudsters from signing up for your service by ensuring your customers are using a real identity.

Do you need advice?

Our clients are the protagonists: our solutions are totally customizable to your actual needs and requirements.

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